Why a Flâneur? |
Prepare to approach life with a renewed sense of curiosity and wonder, knowing that there's a story behind every person you meet, and every experience you encounter, from which you can profit greatly. |
While the term flâneur originally connoted an idle stroller, indeed even a loafer, often seen as someone prone to wasting time, the term gradually developed a more complex and richer meaning throughout 19th century France concurrent with the accompanying industrialization of French society.
Eventually the idleness of the flâneur in the context of modern urban living was viewed in a more positive light when it became apparent that the ever-increasing pace and impersonal character of industrialized society was changing the very nature of the relationships people had with one another. In general, they had less time. They became more self-focused. They often developed a cultural cynicism, and their notions of freedom and their very being were altered. Sound familiar? In the 20th century we would come to call this, “the Daily Grind,” among other things.
So let's get started.
Life is short. Tomorrow is not guaranteed. Every day not savored and experienced to its fullest is a day wasted.
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